The Best Small Business Management Course
Our Small Business Management and StartUp Course combines Nationally Recognised Training subjects delivered in a “real world” flow that results in you creating a solid business plan including marketing activities and financials (including break-even analysis).
This course is ideal if you:
- Are looking for a job,
- Are currently working in a company and want to get promoted or if you
- Want to start your own business.
There is also an opportunity to get your skills so that you can help others get through the course and build their own businesses.
A Price to Suit Your Budget
We’ve packaged our Small Business Course to provide you with the most appropriate support for your budget as well as your goals. When we operated our training centre in Sydney we offered mainly one-to-one or class-based courses, but we now offer all of our training using the Internet in an online small business management course – sometimes called Distance Learning and often referred to as Correspondence courses or Distance Education.
Because it’s delivered online you can:
- Start when you want,
- Learn at your own pace, and
- Go over the training material as often as you want
See our Small Business Course Packages.
Support to Suit Your Needs
If you are considering a business opportunity then we suggest that you choose to Small Business Startup Package because you receive the most important ingredient to success when starting a business – mentoring from someone who has done it.
Our Course Designer trained over 1,000 people through the NEIS program and personally compiled many business plans.
Depending on your enrolment option, you will receive
- Feedback on your Business Plan assignments as you complete them (not just a tick, cross or grade)
- Motivation and inspiration from Tutors and your learning community
- Mentoring to turn your dreams and goals into action and activity
Training in a logical order
While some education providers present their training by subject (called competency units by the Australian Government Training Bodies) we follow a “real world” flow in our subjects so the training feels like you are performing these tasks as if you would when going into business. By following our training system you will complete every competency (subject) and complete your Small Business Management Course as well as have a complete and thorough business plan.
We separate our Small Business Management Course into the following subjects (click on each Subject to discover what is included in that topic):
- Originate and Develop Concepts
- Business Planning and Marketing Introduction
- Establish Legal and Risk Management
- Intellectual Property and General Law
- Researching the Market
- Plan Small Business Finances
- Marketing Action Plan
- Undertake Marketing Activities
- Monitor and Manage Small Business Operations
- Report on Financial Activities
- Selling your Products and Services (NEW!)
- Customer Service (NEW!)
- Valuations and Raising Capital (NEW)
National Accreditation
If you are researching Small Business Management and Business StartUp Courses you might be aware that most nationally recognised courses and qualifications include some core subjects and elective subjects. We have included the table below to demonstrate the “competency mapping” and how the units relate to our Small Business Management course subjects.
As a training course content creator we are not an RTO (Registered Training Organisation) and focus on creating the best training materials with input from some business people who are successful in the real world.
Small Business Support
One of the fantastic features about being a Distance Learning course (online training course) is that you only pay for the support that you need. You can complete the course for your own knowledge or you can work with a business mentor who will help you navigate any issues in your own business or your business startup.
You only pay for full support if you want it.
If you want someone to coach or mentor you through the process as well as provide feedback about the assessment tasks you can choose that level of support.
See our Small Business Management Course Packages to find the best one for you.
Assessment and Certificate Option
Every student who successfully completes all subjects in the course receives a Certificate of Completion. This course option is activity based and you will be provided with assessment tasks that you will need to complete within the course access period. During your assessment period you will have direct email and phone contact with your tutor to get the guidance and direction you need to complete the assessment tasks.
The assessment tasks in this course option will provide you not only with a Certificate in Small Business Management but all the information you need to create a business plan.
If you have read some of the best books on starting, growing and managing a small business you might realise that the business plan can be the difference between success and failure for the simple reason that a business plan provides you with the confidence that you have done the research you require to believe in the product or service your business provides, but also keeps you on track if times get challenging.
Mentoring and Achieving Your Goals
Our course coaches will go over the course material and show you the information in a way that might help you understand better. You have the opportunity to ask as many questions as you like and the information you receive will be tailored to your circumstances.
If you are looking at starting a bookkeeping business, becoming a virtual assistant or creating and updating websites using WordPress we have experienced mentors that do these tasks every day and they are available when you choose the Small Business Startup Package.
Learn more about the various training methods we use and why?
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