Low Cost Work-From-Home Business Opportunities
Do you want to start a business or buy and run an existing business?
Work with existing businesses and get trained up on Small Business Management with support tools like business plans, brochures and marketing strategies and materials to give you the opportunity to get into your own business.
When you think about working for yourself, a number of pleasantries spring to mind. You:
- can dictate your own hours;
- have the freedom to take time off when you want or need to;
- can do what you want to do — when you want to do it — all in the location of your choice.
Although starting a business can be challenging at times it is one of the most rewarding things you can do. You can effectively control your own destiny and guarantee your future income without relying on a job.
A lot of people talk about starting a business, and many people want to, but never end up getting started. This might be because they think it takes luck, a clever idea or just knowing the right people. That’s not true.
Starting your own business is really all about you.
Working for yourself requires discipline and for many people the freedom of being in control can be terrifying! BUT —For those people who succeed in doing it, working for yourself is the ultimate in personal freedom and fulfillment. You can make a lot of money too.
Be your own boss
Managing any business, even if it’s not your own, includes the same challenges a business owner has to deal with but the difference is that you get paid a salary and the business owner gets paid dividends (or wages if they work in the business as well).
Either way, all businesses need to be managed by someone and all good businesses are managed according to a business plan — something we will help you create.
When you register to take advantage of one of our work-at-home business opportunities you’ll have access to the Small Business Management and StartUp Course from the Australian Small Business Centre. This course will guide you through every step of writing a business plan for your business as well as give you excellent practical skills to achieve your small business goals.
The Business Plan
The work-at-home business opportunities we work with are with established businesses so a business, marketing and sales plan have already been created.
The benefit for you to create your own business plan (at your own pace) is that you’ll have an opportunity to learn about what needs to be in a good business plan, but more importantly you’ll understand the market place for the business opportunity you’ve chosen to work in.
A business plan is a relatively simple document that simply states what most business owners know.
What is the opportunity?
When you create a business plan you look at all sorts of information, including:
- Information about the product or service you sell,
- Information about your competitors,
- Your key advantages over your competitors and
- How you are going to get that message across to potential customers.
Opportunities are around us EVERY day. Listen to people, ask questions and do your own research online and you’ll discover opportunity wherever you hear someone talking about how hard something is, or how time-consuming something is. Just listen for “I wish…” and you may discover an opportunity.
Is it really an opportunity?
You can look at what drives opportunities to discover the one best suited to you. Here are some examples:
- Bookkeeping is something that EVERY business needs someone to do. It is part of their compliance requirements to report to the ATO and most business people don’t want to do it themselves.
- Online Marketing is something that EVERY business has to do otherwise they’ll miss out on the wave of change that is happening around us all right now with the Internet and Mobile phones. If business spend thousands of dollars on the Yellow Pages like they use to and not on Google or Facebook marketing they could be spending much more than they need to and still not be discovered by their potential customers.
- Work, Health and Safety is growing in relevance for most companies because PCBU’s (that’s the technical term for managers or business owner) are personally responsible for any risky work that occurs while they are the manager. If someone is injured or killed they can be sued “personally”! That is a major driver behind electronic visitor management and online contractor inductions.
A business plan also contains information about how you are going to manage the business from day-to-day, who your team members are and how you plan to organise the supply of your products (or your team members in a service business) the delivery of your product/service and the billing and financial management of the business.
Professional Support
Achievement Coaching
Each of the work-at-home business opportunities we offer include achievement coaching which is normally valued at $2600, but included in each of the opportunities to maximise your success.
Our Support Team
Most of our support team have completed the course or operate their own independent businesses. These people are available to help you succeed with your goals, keep you on track to achieve your goals or simply help you navigate around the course and learning management system.
Small Business Mentor
When you’re starting a new business mentoring support from someone who has already started that kind of business will help accelerate your results and provide you with a sounding board for ideas, suggestions and most importantly the unknown aspects of the business – the thing you “don’t know that you don’t know”.
Share a Cuppa with an Entrepreneur! 
The Small Business Management and StartUp Training Course included in our work-from-home business opportunities include interview with a variety of entrepreneurs – technology startups, regular existing service businesses like Audio/Visual contractors and even important tips from people who’ve started a business from scratch and built it into a multi-million dollar business that has then been sold to a public company.
Imagine being able to listen to the business insights on a regular basis with entrepreneurs — all from the comfort of your own home or office!
You will be privy to invaluable tips and information from proven experts in business — all in an informal and interesting way, just as if you were sharing a cup of coffee with them, via our Business Owner Interviews.
Our mission is to pass on business information that is authentic and relevant and, to this end, we have assembled the wisdom from some very successful Australian business owners and made this information available for you.
Business Owner Interviews
Our Business Owner Interviews will provide you with up-to-date commentary about each aspect of the Small Business Management and StartUp Course, including:
- Permission-based marketing
- Google Adwords, local search and more
- Search Engine Optimisation
- Relationship and referral marketing
- Business structures including Sole traders, companies, partnerships and trusts
- How to raise finance for your business
- Accounting software programs
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Using Microsoft Excel efficiently
- Steps to take to sell your business
- Using social media to improve your brand
- How to protect your brand
- Tools to help you with customer service
- Tips to help your customers recommend you
- Using Mobile to increase sales
- How to motivate your staff members, and much more
- Direct, online, mass media marketing strategies
- Importance of landing pages
- How to effectively blog
You can now learn from professionals in personal interviews and listen as they are asked questions about the topics they know.
We’re Ready when you are
These opportunities are available at any time and all training is completed online. This means you:
- can start when you are ready,
- don’t need to fit into our schedule, but can study in your own hours and
- can take as long as you need to go through the material (within 12 months), and
- can go over it again and again if you need to
Ready to explore?
If you have heard about us from a friend or by a professional recommendation and want to begin the process of starting your own home based business explore the work-at-home business opportunities now. Receive our free guide to becoming an independent contractor.
Earnings Guarantee!
Most business operators know that there are no guarantees in business and there is a classic advertising saying that crystalises this understanding:
Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, trouble is I don’t know which half
This simply means that the needs of the market change, the message they need to hear to buy your product changes and the messages from your competitors changes. Sometimes you’ll try something and it won’t work – it could be the wrong day of the week, wrong time of the year or it’s not front of mind for them right now, but if you are persistent and give your business a good go then you’ll start to see customers coming your way.
Each of the work-at-home business opportunities at this site come with an earnings guarantee – that if, after doing your training and a dedicated attempt at sales and marketing you still aren’t earning money that the vendor will pay you to perform tasks for them to help you earn money.
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